Worldwide Rarities & Curiosities

This section features rare but original Elvis CDs.
Listed are: Test-pressings, mispressings and very hard to find collectable CDs.
None of the CDs listed here are for sale, they are for information only.




NBC TV Special

Misspressing: NBC TV Special Misspressing: NBC TV Special Misspressing: NBC TV Special




NBC TV Special

Catalog Number:


ND 83894






Here we have something very rare.
A mispressed and mislabeled Elvis RCA/BMG Germany CD.

Covers are the original ones from the 1991 "NBC TV Special" release, Germany ND 83894

The CD plays the same tracks as on all other releases, but...on the label we do not see any ELVIS or RCA or BMG!!

The label is from a classic CD released by the Parnass label:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Die schönsten Konzerte

The matrix no. "SONOPRESS F-1473 / ND83894 A" is identical to the 1991 RCA/BMG release from Germany (click on CD to see it).


Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits

Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits - mispressing ! Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits - mispressing !  Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits - mispressing !




Greatest Jukebox Hits

Catalog Number:





SONOPRESS USA 07863675652 ++ 80449-01 IFPI L028  IFPI 1022  






A misprinted disc from "Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits". This one was released in September 1998 in the U.S.

This disc has a total different design than the actual "Elvis' Greatest Jukebox Hits" disc.

The catalog no. on the disc is 07863-67465-2, while the correct catalog no. must be 07863-67565-2.
Also on the disc is printed the wrong title, The disc is titled "Elvis' Gold Records Volume 4" instead of the correct title.

The right scan is the correct disc!


Elvis Presley

Mispressed CD : Elvis Presley Mispressed CD : Elvis PresleyMispressed CD : Elvis Presley




Elvis Presley

Catalog Number:


ND 89046

Matrix Number:


SONOPRESS C-2185/PD 90204 E






Well, at first glance it looks like the German pressing "Elvis Presley" from 1991.
What is wrong with this one? As you can see on the matrix number this is not the correct label and so you can hear songs by John Denver.
Yes - 20 tracks from the good old John Denver instead of Elvis.


Danske Single Hits

Mispressed CD: Danske Single Hits Mispressed CD: Danske Single HitsMispressed CD: Danske Single Hits




Danske Single Hits

Catalog Number:


PD 90551

Matrix number:


ICM L013117  GRD 9603  1 1 3 0 1 4 9







Okay, what do we have here?
It looks like the 1991 "Danske Single Hits" CD and that is correct, but if you put the CD in your player you will hear: Patti Austin with her album "Love Is Gonna Getcha"..

Mispressed CD: Danske Single Hits

Although the original CD is hard to find, this CD is even harder to find (if you ever find one). It is made in Switzerland for the Danish market.


The Definitive Love Album - Volume 3

Misspressing : The Definitive Love Album - Volume 3 Misspressing : The Definitive Love Album - Volume 3Misspressing : The Definitive Love Album - Volume 3




The Definitive Love Album - Volume 3

Catalog Number:


ND 90419







We hear you say: 'Yes, yes, yes, I have it. Is it worth much'?
Well, yes, you may have one like it, but not this one. It is the 1994 CD releases from the "Definitive Love Album" with one difference: It does not have Elvis on it,
You will hear the German punk rock band: 'Normahl' with their album "'Auszeit".



Elvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4

Elvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4 - USA 1990 - BMG 1297-2-R Elvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4 - USA 1990 - BMG 1297-2-RElvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4 - USA 1990 - BMG 1297-2-R




Elvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4

Catalog Number:


BMG 1297-2-R

Matrix number:   DISC MFG, INC. (H) W.O. 14543-1 12972R







On this 1990 US CD release we have not the Elvis' Gold Records, Vol. 4 album, but the content of the various artists CD "The Hoagy Carmichael Songbook", BMG ‎USA 2148-2-R.



Burning Love And Hits From His Movies Vol. 2



  Burning Love And Hits From His Movies

Catalog Number:


BMG CCD-2595

Matrix Number:   #910207NN CCD-2595







The two discs are identically - same matrix number - but as you can see on the disc to the right, the pressing machine must have run out of red color.
The disc is found in a standard package. It's of cause unusual, but we have seen discs without color on the picture side before.


His Hand In Mine



  His Hand In Mine

Catalog Number:


BMG ND 83935

Matrix Number:   Sonopress C-3837 / ND 83935 A







At first glance it looks like the standard pressing from 1989. But if you take a closer look on the CD print you'll see only 12 tracks  listed.
CD plays 15 tracks.... as it should be.

We can't figured out why the CD has the number ND 83935! For normal it must be PD 83935.

There is also no known release which have only 12 tracks.

 Suspicious Minds - Shaped CD

Shaped CD Unshaped CD  Click on picture to enlarge 'Unshaped CD' - playing side


  Suspicious Minds

Catalog number:


BMG 74321-693372

Matrix number:   Sonopress SENTINEL 90712 * BMG 74321 693372 * 1 






We all know the 'Suspicious Minds' shaped CD, but here we have an 'unchaped' (nearly) version. If you enlarge the picture it's easy to see that only a very little piece of the disc is cut away.
The cutting machine must have been out of order.
A real curiosity you won't see everyday.



    standard print misprint  Click on picture to enlarge  



Catalog Number:


BMG ND 81382

Matrix Number:   Sonopress D-3812 / ND81382 A




Description:   Not only that on the standard CD the titles 1 & 3 are mixed up (Rip It Up Again & When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold), on this exemplar also the pressing machine run out of black color. The disc was found in a standard package.


Portrait D'Une Legende - Volume 2

    standard print misprint  Click on picture to enlarge  


  Portrait D'Une Legende - Volume 2

Catalog Number:


BMG ND 90057

Matrix Number:   Sonopress B-8538 / ND 90057 C




Description:   On this exemplar the pressing machine run out of black color. The disc was found in a standard package.


Portrait D'Une Legende - Volume 2

    standard print misprint  Click on picture to enlarge  


  Portrait D'Une Legende - Volume 2

Catalog Number:


BMG ND 90057

Matrix Number:   Sonopress B-8538 / ND 90057 C




Description:   An one more from the Portrait D'Une Legende - Volume 2. On this exemplar the pressing machine run out of silver color. The disc was found in a standard package.


G.I. Blues - Columbia House Canada



  G.I. Blues

Catalog Number:


BMG BG2 3735

Matrix Number:   DIDX-036309 3 IFPI L330 IFPI 6705




Description:   This CD was made for the Columbia House Music Club, Canada.
On spines and back is printed the catalog number 3735, on CD the wrong number BG2 3755.

We don't know how many of this wrong cataloged CD were printed, but we think this is a rare misspressing.

See here the correct labeled standard CD.


Love Letters From Elvis

Rare CD : Love Letters From Elvis Rare CD : Love Letters From ElvisRare CD : Love Letters From Elvis




Love Letters From Elvis

Catalog Number:


ND 89011

Matrix Number:


FI 1207



1988 ?



There is no matrix number pressed on the disc. Instead of the matrix number 'Sonopress xxxx' you see only FI 1207.

As on the Hong Kong release the lower half of the CD as well the "ribs" are white instead of silver/grey. On backcover you can read "Printed in Germany"!
Something don't match.

So far we don't know what that means. Is it a miss pressing, a test pressing......a bootleg? If you know anything about this, please let us know.


The Alternate Aloha

The Alternate Aloha - BMG 6985-2-R - USA 1996 The Alternate Aloha - BMG 6985-2-R - USA 1996 The Alternate Aloha - BMG 6985-2-R - USA 1996   The Alternate Aloha - BMG 6985-2-R - USA 1996




The Alternate Aloha

Catalog Number:


BMG 6985-2-R

Matrix Number:


69852R 6/96 6DB2  IFPI 7413



1996, October


The October 1996 CD from BMG USA is missing the white base color. The colors are printed directly onto the silver disc.
See the June 1996 CD on the right for comparison.


Tommorrow Is A Long Time

Tomorrow Is A Long Time - USA 1999 - BMG 07863 67740 2 Tomorrow Is A Long Time - USA 1999 - BMG 07863 67740 2  Burning Love - BMG 07863 67742-2 - USA 1999




Tomorrow Is A Long Time

Catalog Number:


BMG 07863 67740 2

Matrix Number:


L388 1099 07863677402 D90311-10 A IFPI 6100





If you buy the 1999 USA CD "Tomorrow Is A Long Time" and find the CD "Burning Love" inside, you'll think it's a packaging error.
But that's not all. The CD "Burning" Love has the content of "Tomorrow Is A Long Time".
In addition, the Burning Love CD has the matrix of the "Tomorrow Is A Long Time" CD (see above), instead of the matrix from the 1999 USA "Burning Love" CD.
Someone at the Cinram pressing plant wasn't paying attention when printing...
Thanks to Stefano for this rarity.