01 |
"WeIcome to Memphis" (interview
excerpt) |
02 |
Elvis father Vernon Presley talks
about EIvis‘ hometown and Graceland (intewiew recorded outside
Graceland, 1972) |
03 |
Vernon Presley tells more about
Elvis‘ hometown and Graceland (interview recorded inside
Graceland, 1972) |
04 |
Someone asked me this morning what
I did miss about Memphis, and I said everything" (interview
excerpt, Memphis TV station) |
05 |
Elvis at the Memphis Draft Board -
198 Beale Sheet (March 24, 1958), Swearing-in as a member of U.S.
Army, directed by Major Albert Turner |
06 |
"I pretty well know Memphis"
(interview excerpt) |
07 |
Back at Graceland (Vernon`s office,
March 8, 1960) |
08 |
Press Conference at the Claridge
Hotel - 109 North Main Sheet )February 25, 1961) |
09 |
At the Ellis Audllorlum - 255 North
Main Sheet (January 16, 1971, Elvis honored by America's Jaycees
as one of America's Ten Young Men of the Year.) |
10 |
Calling Elvls at Graceland (early
April 1971, phone call from Ron Pietrofeso in Denver to Elvis in
Memphis) |
11 |
At the Sam Thompson Home - 1317
Favel Road (November 1973) |
12 |
Elvis live at the Mld-South
Coliseum - 996 Early Maxwell Boulevard |
13 |
Elvis at the Liberty Bowl Stadium -
335 South Hollywood Street (August 9, 1975, attending the Memphis
Grizzlies’ 2nd football game) |
14 |
"I'm going to keep Graceland as
long as I possibbly can" (interview excerpt) |
15 |
Elvis at WMPS radlo (August 31,
1955 - Bob Neal interviews Elvis) |