Elvis On CDCD Collectons | Fanclub CDs


Shock, Rattle 'n' Roll

 Title: Shock, Rattle 'n' Roll 
 Label: Shoppin' Around / Elvis For Everyone 
 Label Number: LPM-1500 
 Release Date: 2008 
 Country: Netherlands 
 Track Listing:  Live from USS. "Hancock" (Milton Berle Show, April 3, 1956)
01. Introduction
02. Shake, Rattle & Roll
03. Heartbreak Hotel
04. Blue Suede Shoes
05. Comedy Sketch / Blue Suede Shoes

Soundtrack recordings for CBS-TV, September 9, 1956
06. Don’t Be Cruel
07. Elvis Talks
8. Love Me Tender
09. Ready Teddy
10. Hound Dog

Soundtrack recordings for CBS-T\/, October 28, 1956
11. Don‘t Be Cruel
12. Ed Sullivan
13. Love Me Tender
14. Ed Sullivan Introduces Elvis
15. Love Me
16. Hound Dog
17. EIvis‘ Closing Remarks

Soundtrack recordings for CBS-TV, January 6, 1957
18. Introduction
19. Hound Dog
20. Love Me Tender
21. Heartbreak Hotel
22. Don’t Be Cruel
23. Too Much
24. Elvis Talks
25. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
26. Ed Sullivan Speaks
27. (There’lI Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)
28. Ed Sullivan Speaks
Notes:  Copy of the bootleg LP by "Pink And Black", LPM 1500,  plus additional tracks..