Elvis On CDPromotional CDs | Poland


2nd To None

 Title:  2nd To None 
 Catalog Number:  BMG INT 0056 
 Matrix Number:  2020010305177 
 Year: 2003 
 Value: 50 € 
 Description:  Contents : Same as the commercial cd release !

Issued in 2003 by BMG Poland to promote the 2nd To None cd.

This is just a "one of a kind" if you talk about "rare" promo cd's ! Everything is the same as the commercial cd release , except that printed on the inside of the inlay aswell on the cd are the famous words (only this time it is written in Polish) : "Egzemplarz Promocyjiny - Plyta Nie Do Sprzedazy", what means : "Promotional Sample - Not For Sale" ! This one has become a raretie of his own , if you ever come accross one than take it if you can afford it !