Elvis On CDPromotional CDs | USA


A Hundred Years From Now

 Title:  A Hundred Years From Now 
 Catalog number: RJC 07863 66866-2 
 Matrix umber:  07863668662 ++ 67967-01 
 Year: 1996 
 Country: USA 
 Value: 30 € 
 Description: Contents: Same as the commercial release.

Issued in 1996 by BMG USA to promote the 'A Hundred Years From Now' CD.

This is a strange one. At first glance it looks just like the commercial release, but printed on the disc is the regular catalogue number with a different RJC prefix and 'Not For Sale'.
Black and white sticker
'Not For Sale NFS-1' on front cover and a hole punched tru the bar code on back insert cover: