| Note: |
| The barcode on back isn't valid.
The printed number below the barcode (8594029810228) was used also for other
Straight Arrows bootleg CDs.

Announcement: In memory of John Herman (June 25, 1942 – July 5, 2017) "I first
met John Herman around 1974 - 1975. We met the old fashion ways - by mail. He
was running ads in the record collector’s magazine GOLDMINE as well as in want
ad sections of fan club newsletters. I belonged to several - it’s how we
networked with other fans and collectors.
John and I swapped letters and traded Elvis items. Once our relationship was
established we began speaking on the phone. Eventually those phone conversations
about Elvis turned to more friendly topics. Family, sports and as the years went
by - our health issues. He often relayed the story about being a young guy in
South Carolina where he was born and being turned on to Elvis from the early
days at SUN Records. One funny story involved getting the SUN release of "I
Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine" and disliking it so much that he used it for
target practice one day. Imagine shooting a SUN label record! It was of course
available in stores back then and before Elvis’ popularity exploded. Eventually
John and his family relocated to Uniontown, Pennsylvania. A small town about 45
miles east of Pittsburgh along the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Pittsburgh would
eventually figure greatly in his love for Elvis. John helped me immensely in
building my Elvis collection. He was generous to me including trading audio
cassettes, reel to reel tapes, video tape, films and records. We became such
good friends he gifted me 3 Sun Records, two 45 RPM’s and one 78 RPM. As the
years progressed he recorded many Elvis concerts. He saw Elvis on tour in
Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Virginia as well as other places including Elvis’
last two engagements in Las Vegas. He shared a lot of that with me as well as
other fans. He even helped me get to some of those shows and shared his access
with me - I’m forever grateful. Like many of us he began recording the shows on
cassette tape. A process that was a learning experience for those of us who did
such a thing. The more shows you’re recorded - the better you became at it. The
same applied to shooting still pictures or Super 8 film. At some point you got
better and better. The interaction between Elvis’ staff, his father and
eventually Elvis himself gave John pretty good access to his hero. It’s a story
I’ll relate in later editions. Elvis loved policeman and that was John’s
profession - a Police Officer for his hometown. John became friendly with his
hero on a personal basis.
The audio recordings he made, the photographs he shot and even the iconic films
he shot have become legendary in the world of Elvis. With the passing of many of
the original guard of Elvis fans and collectors – his is one of those names and
stories that needs to be kept relevant. He left us with many great moments and
memories that we all still share and enjoy."
Straight Arrow was fortunate enough to obtain recently recovered 1st generation
copy of the original audience-recorded tape of this show, coming from collection
of American fan. This historic concert was never before available in good sound
quality - until now! Every second was enhanced to achieve the optimal listening
experience. The sound was remastered to the correct speed. If you have enjoyed
our previous 1973 CDs, we believe that you will love this one as well. Ask your
local CD vendor for audio teasers! Presented in the usual Straight Arrow fashion
with the top notch digipak including the photos of Elvis in Pittsburgh and
Uniondale, June 1973 and great liner notes written by close friend of John
Herman, this new release is another beauty that you must not miss! Straight
arrow is planning several volumes of "FROM THE JOHN HERMAN MASTERTAPES" similar
with our legendary 2015 "FROM THE RICK RENNIE MASTERATEPS" series. Note: Elvis
super fan John Herman also taped the legendary Pittsburgh 1976 New Years Eve
show, widely released by bootleggers and by the official FTD label. The Straight
Arrow team is always looking for new, unreleased audience-taped shows and for
better quality versions of the previously released recordings. If you have such
unique tapes, even damaged or broken, do not hesitate to contact us through your
local dealer! | |